White Sands, Camber

An interesting residential site which presented quite an engineering challenge.

GTA Civils & Transport conducted a traffic impact assessment and flood risk assessment necessary to obtain detailed planning permission.
A Section 106 agreement included the design of a roundabout and pelican crossing, as well as the village entrance features.
The estate roads were designed for adoption under a Section 38 Agreement.

Foul drainage from the site was designed to pump 4.5km to the east direct to the Southern Water sewage treatment plant. This avoided large infrastructure upgrading charges from Southern Water.

Surface Water was collected into a surface water pumping station which discharges to the adjacent drainage ditches. Storage is provided via open water ponds and swales.


  • Civil Engineering Design
  • Section 106 design
  • Obtaining Local Authority, Environment Agency and Highway Authority approvals



Client: Southern Heritage & Ward Homes
Location: Camber, East Sussex
Year Completed: 2013
Value: £18m
Architect: Clague Architects & Simon Cooper Architects